黒坂フェスタ 2023年8月 – 伝統と新しい体験が交差する2日間

黒坂フェスタ 2023年8月についてお知らせさせていただきます!




大道芸: マジックやジャグリング、バルーンアートを楽しめる大道芸人さっちゃんの公演。
天体観測: 仲田和夫さんによる太陽観測。夏の太陽を望遠鏡で覗いてみませんか?
紙芝居: 伯耆町・大川ひろよさんによる子ども向けの紙芝居。








黒坂フェスタの会・黒坂納涼まつりを再生する会 主催


Announcement about the Kurosaka Festa in August 2023!

As a symbol of summer, the Kurosaka Festa is where traditional culture created by Hino Town intersects with new and fun experiences. This summer, on Saturday, August 12th, and Sunday, August 13th, 2023, we invite you to this Festa, held over two days at the old Kurosaka Elementary School!

First Day: Fun Experiences

The venue opens at 10:00, and food stalls and game shops will start up. Events that can be enjoyed by both children and adults will begin immediately.

Street Performances: Enjoy performances by street performer Sacchan, featuring magic, juggling, and balloon art.
Astronomy Observation: Solar observation by Kazuo Nakada. Why not take a look at the summer sun through a telescope?
Paper Play: Children’s paper play by Hiroyo Okawa from Hokuei Town.

In the evening, the beer garden opens! If you bring your ingredients, you can also enjoy the self-BBQ corner.

At 18:30, a big campfire will be lit, and at 19:00, both children and adults will join in the Bon Dance. The first day will conclude with children’s fireworks and a prize drawing.

Second Day: Time for Empathy

At 6:30, everyone will participate in radio exercises, followed by event cleanup. The event will end in the morning.

On the Kurosaka Festa’s homepage
Juggling, magic, and balloon art by street performer Sacchan, and solar observation where the “flames of the sun” flicker, as well as the beer garden and Bon Dance. Why not spend an enjoyable time at the Kurosaka Festa, where tradition and new experiences intersect?

Details, camp registration, and schedules for various events will be posted on the Kurosaka Festa’s homepage from time to time. Please take a look!

Kurosaka Festa Organizing Committee

*The event will be canceled in case of a typhoon or other severe weather. In case of light rain, it will be held indoors, such as in a gymnasium.

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